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W.I.N. the G.A.M.E.What's Important Now? Gaining an Athletic andMental Edge

Jonathan Turner

We all have goals. We all have things that we want to accomplish. The issue is that there never seems to be enough time in the day to do the things we think that we need to do. Ask yourself this question as you think about the goals you have in mind. What's Important Now? What are you doing today that is moving you towards the goals that you want to accomplish? Want an A in that class? Are you studying for that test? If not, then do not be surprised

if you do not get that A. This is a good way to see if your goals are congruent with your beliefs. What matters to you? What do you really want? Remember, energy flows where the focus goes. Are you attending practice with specific goals in mind? If not, why not? Every moment spent in a learning environment needs to be cherished. Be where your feet are!

Creating a Growth Mindset

What's Important Now? Gaining an Athletic and Mental Edge

What is an elite mindset? Mindset is how you see yourself, the world around you and your situations. Developing a growth mindset is all about changing your perspective. Mindset drives perspective and creates your attitude. Attitude is a decision to behave or believe a certain way. The attitude you take is the decision you make. The choices you make ultimately determines the destination you end up. Without the right mindset, you will continue to struggle with doubt, thinking you “just don’t have the mental toughness” needed to reach your full potential. With the right mindset, you will start to see these setbacks (things you used to think of as “failure”) as an opportunity for growth. This will make a HUGE difference in the results you can and will achieve. As you learn to grow your mindset, you will finally be able to blast through mental barriers that have held you back and help you realize your true potential.

This chart presents the characteristics of a Growth Mindset. This is what Excellent

Performance Training (ExPerT) will focus on as we integrate mental performance into the

Nationals Capital Area club. Growth mindsets primary desire is to improve. Growth mindset believes everything is a learning opportunity, a chance to grow. This leads to embracing challenges and the belief that hard work and effort can develop abilities. A fixed mindset refuses to push us out of our comfort zone. We stay with what we know in order to seem knowledgeable.


Hi, My name is John Hill.

I am a certified mental performance coach that can improve processes for athletes or businesses. I have Graduate degrees in the following areas:

1. MS Organizational Development and Leadership

2. MA Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Coaching)

3. M.Ed. Positive Coaching and Athletic Leadership

4. Graduate Certificate, Positive Psychology

I love the idea of helping people reach their goals, improving work environments and streamlining processes.I believe everything can be improved and made better. It is just a matter of gaining everyone's input and selecting the best way forward after that. As Harry Truman said, it is amazing what you can accomplish when you do not care who gets the credit. I am a coach whose desire is to see people succeed and reach their potential. For me, my mission statement is “To focus my client’s passion and unleash their potential”. I want to help them discover their passion and at the same time discover who they are. Knowing both of these things is critical to personal and professional growth. I will be working with each team during the season to discuss mindset, culture, and goal setting.

If you are interested in individual training please email me at

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